Thursday, 16 December 2021

December assessment - feedback and learner response

You will have received your Media PPE results (for Autumn 2021) and now we need to analyse our performance in those exams and identify areas to revise and improve for future exams.

The most important aspect of any mock exam is making mistakes and learning from them.

Here, we need to closely analyse our performance across each question in the paper. Complete the following learner response tasks in a new blogpost on your personal blog called 'Autumn 2021- PPE learner response':

1) First, copy down the teacher's comments from your paper. Next, did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade for GCSE Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need to achieve your target grade in this paper? Write this in a full answer. 

My target grade is...

My mark for this paper was...

To achieve my target grade of a ___, I would need to get ____ more marks

We don't know exactly what grade boundaries AQA will set in the real exams. These are the boundaries we've used (out of 40) 

7 = 32; 6 = 28; 5 = 24; 4 = 20; 3 = 16; 2 = 12; 1 = 8, u = below 8.

Now read through the mark scheme, question by question. 

2) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the 'possible content' part of the mark scheme:


Q3: 3/8 marks

Additional points: I didn't mention Peer to Peer or My Space when talking about how Arctic Monkeys used social media so I was too vague. I need to give more specific examples. 

3) Based on the whole of your learner response and my comments, choose one of the below LRs that you need to do, going forward (there may be more than one but please copy down just one to focus on for now):

LR1- Revise the CSP content so that I know facts about them such as names, dates which show I know the content well. 

LR2- Improve my use of media terminology so that I am using media specific words from the glossary and not just general words. 

LR3- Written English. Make sure my answers make sense and my SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) are accurate so the reader can understand my work. 

LR4- Learn my Media theory so that I can apply it when it appears in questions (e.g. Blumler and Katz' Uses and Gratifications) 

LR5- Read the questions and make sure I am answering / engaging with the question and constructing an argument in the essay questions. 

In your own words, say HOW you are going to try and complete that learner response (e.g. read my glossary and make flash cards of key terms, go back over Glo Words in my book before the next assessment, summarise my CSPs in revision notes, complete my missing blog posts, challenge myself by doing more of the extension tasks...)

Extension task: Focus on the 20-mark question (Q9). Write a full essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and with enough content to meet the criteria for the top level. This will be somewhere between 4-5 well-developed paragraphs planned in some detail. 

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

OSP & Videogames: An introduction

Our new media topic is called Online, Social, Participatory media and Videogames - an in-depth area of study on new and digital media with three Close-Study Products.

Over the next few weeks, we need to study the following CSPs:

Lara Croft GO
Kim Kardashian: Hollywood
Marcus Rashford

We need to study these products using all four key concepts: Language, Industry, Audience and Representation. Both Lara Croft GO and Kim Kardashian: Hollywood are good examples of the changing nature of the videogames industry.

A brief history of videogames: blog task

Watch the YouTube video outlining the history of the videogames industry from the 1970s to the 2010s. Now answer the following questions:

1) What were the first videogames like?

2) How have videogames changed over time?

3) What do the most successful games have in common? Answer this in as much detail as you can. Think about audience pleasures - what do people like about playing videogames?

4) What criticisms have been made towards videogames?

Extension task: read this news story reporting that Prince Harry has called for Fortnite to be banned. Why does the Prince think Fortnite producer Epic Games is irresponsible?

You will have lesson time to work on this but will need to complete for homework - due date on Google Classroom.

Coursework: Foundation Media Summer Project 2023

The summer project is a fantastic opportunity to start planning your Media coursework. Your summer project contains compulsory and optiona...