Your summer project contains compulsory and optional elements; everybody will be researching magazines, coming up with a new magazine aimed at rich people and then writing a Statement of Intent first draft. However, if you wish to write and take photos for your production over the summer while you have time available we would fully support you in this approach.
Summer project tasks
Complete the following tasks on a blogpost on your Media blog called 'Summer Project: coursework planning':
1) Research: Magazine covers and features
You need to research magazine front covers and double-page spread features.
Tatler magazine covers
Find three different Tatler magazine covers:
Find three different Tatler magazine covers:
Front cover conventions: What conventions or typical features can you find on the covers you have researched?
Image analysis: What do you notice about the central images on the magazine covers? What do you notice about the mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) - particularly costume, make-up and setting?
Representations: What representations of people and groups can you find on these covers?
Double-page spread features
Find three different double page spread magazine features like these:
Double page spread feature conventions: What conventions or typical features can you find on the double page spread features you have researched?
Additional research: optional extension
Depending on your coursework plan and the type of magazine you wish to create, you may want to research additional magazine covers and features. Focus on the lifestyle genre of magazines and try to find titles that are aimed at rich or successful audiences.
Depending on your coursework plan and the type of magazine you wish to create, you may want to research additional magazine covers and features. Focus on the lifestyle genre of magazines and try to find titles that are aimed at rich or successful audiences.
Whatever you research, make sure you write some additional notes or bullet points about these magazines on your blog so you are documenting your research.
2) Magazine planning
2) Magazine planning
Plan out the title and cover star for your new, original lifestyle magazine.
Complete this Magazine planning document with your NEW original idea for a lifestyle magazine aimed at rich and successful people. Copy and paste the questions from the Google doc into your blog.
3) Statement of Intent
On the same Summer Project blogpost, write the rough first draft of your genuine 300-word Statement of Intent for the magazine and double-page spread feature you plan to create. The final draft of this document will be submitted to the exam board alongside your production work and is worth 10 marks of the overall 60 marks available.
Guidance is provided by AQA in their NEA Student Booklet but we strongly recommend you also look at our Statement of Intent suggested content document too.
Summer project deadline: all tasks above due in the second lesson back in September.
Guidance is provided by AQA in their NEA Student Booklet but we strongly recommend you also look at our Statement of Intent suggested content document too.
Summer project deadline: all tasks above due in the second lesson back in September.